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62 Results
IAM Modernization: Single Sign-On
As part of the larger IAM Modernization Program, UCSF is standardizing single sign-on for enterprise applications to create a more seamless user experience.
How to Use Keeper Password Vault
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
RAE - Application Web Portal Information
The RAE Web Portal is a method for accessing RAE applications through your web browser as long as you have a RAE account. If you have not requested a RAE site, you can request one here.
UCSF IT Security Awareness News You Can Use
The UCSF IT Security Awareness News You Can Use Newsletter includes monthly articles, contests, and upcoming events. Learn about new threats and how to protect UCSF and yourself from data breaches. You can also participate in contests to win prizes! February 2025Avoid tax scams | Multi-factor (Duo) fatigue flyer contest | See the red flags from our latest phishing campaign
Learner Accounts
First-time LoginThe Registrar distributes login credentials; you should receive this in advance of your orientation. If you have not, please contact your program. Please follow these instructions the first time you log in. You need to setup the Duo Mobile App for two-factor authentication, enroll in the UCSF Password Management Tool, change your password, and setup Hitachi ID Mobile Access App.
- Student
- Education Applications
Security Incident Response Statistics and Announcements
- Technical Partner
VPN - Remote connection
Pulse / Ivanti Secure Access VPN allows users outside of the UCSF directly connected internal network to access restricted resources at UCSF (e.g., connecting to file shares, servers, desktops). The system provides a fully encrypted connection between the client device (laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.) and the UCSF network providing access identical to systems connected via wired or wireless within UCSF facility.
- Technical Partner
- Network & Wireless
Dec 2023: Real Phish Received at UCSF - Multi Factor Authentication
Picture of Actual Phish
Threat Alert: What to Wa
Remote Work Resources
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
Intune Frequently Asked Questions
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student