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130 Results
macOS Monterey and Older Versions Discontinued
What is Happening?macOS Monterey (12.x) and older versions are all discontinued and no longer supported by Apple, which also ended security updates and maintenance. This means these older macOS versions no longer meet UCSF's minimum security standards.It is a minimum security standard of UCSF that all computers used for UCSF business must run vendor-supported versions of operating systems to avoid security risks. Computers that no longer meet this security requirement will eventually be blocked from UCSF's network.
Impacted Services: IT Field Services (ITFS) Desktop Support , ITFS Supported Macs
Report a Security Incident
Steps to follow Report anything that causes concern Immediately contact the UCSF Service Desk to report an information security problem or a possible or potential information security problem. Phone: 415-514-4100 Email: [email protected] Web: http://help.ucsf.edu
Travel Safely - Laptops and other devices
What you need to knowUC is a global organization, so employees often travel domestically and abroad.
Office 365: Word FAQs
We continue to update these FAQs. If your question isn't answered here, please contact the IT Service Desk at help.ucsf.edu, or ask your colleagues on the Office 365 Team.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Email & Collaboration
How to Confirm CrashPlan Is Backing Up Your Computer
CrashPlan is UCSF's online backup program. All data that is backed-up by CrashPlan is encrypted, so it will securely backup your files even when you are NOT connected to the UCSF network or UCSF VPN.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Desktop Support
Managing, Updating, and Enrolling Additional Devices in Duo
This document will detail the following processes:
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
- Access & Identity
Recommended Security Products
Data is increasingly becoming UCSF’s lifeblood and most critical asset. We’ve curated a collection of tools and products to help you protect UCSF’s data These tools and products have been vetted by IT Security, and we encourage you to use them.Security softwareUCSF ITS provides client security software free of charge to faculty, staff, learners and researchers:
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Non-UCSF
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
- Security
Clean Up Your Personal (BYOD) Computer When Leaving UCSF
Overview Important: The only way to ensure that ALL UCSF data has been removed is to securely reformat (ERASE) your hard drive and any devices that contain storage (e.g., USB thumb drives, external hard drives, smartphones, tablets). This is not the same as simply deleting files or performing a "factory reset." Please contact your computer vendor for support. If you cannot do this, use the instructions below to ensure you remove all UCSF information, applications and tools.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Desktop Support
Task Management in Office 365
OverviewWithin your role at UCSF, you might be assigned many different and competing tasks to be completed. ask management might be difficult to manage if you are flagging an email or keeping a word document detailing all your tasks for a given day.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Email & Collaboration
Multi-Factor (Duo) Authentication Methods
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
- Access & Identity