May 1, 2024

UCSF IT Security

Awareness News You Can Use

Monthly Articles, Contests, Resources, and Upcoming Events

May's Quiz is on Incident Reporting

Please read  the article  "Use Phish Alarm to Report Potential Phishing Emails and Contact the IT Service Desk or UCSF Police for Other Security Incidents" and take the monthly quiz. 

‌When you think you may have witnessed something that looks suspicious or may be a crime, report it. If it is in the form of an email, always use the Phish Alarm button to report it. You cannot over report! UCSF IT Security analytics can quickly determine what type of email it is and get back to you. If it is a real phish, we can quickly block it from harming others. 

‌All UCSF faculty, staff, contractors, students, and affiliates who take the quiz will be entered in a drawing for one of six $50 Amazon gift cards.

Remember, you can also visit our previous security awareness articles and take the quizzes. Visit our past campaigns at the UCSF Cybersecurity Awareness Site.

Latest Phishing Campaign

If you missed the "red flags" from our latest  UCSF-wide mock phish, they are displayed at the bottom of our page "Protect UCSF and Myself from Phishing and Other Similar Scams."

If an email seems at all strange, report it via Phish Alarm. You will find out almost instantly how to further interact with the email. Over-reporting is not an issue! Better safe than sorry! 

IT Security Awareness Flyer Posting Contest to Help Combat Duo Fatigue Attacks! Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!

Duo Fatigue Attacks are on the rise! Attackers are once again spamming people with Duo push notifications, hoping they will eventually “fatigue” from the onslaught of requests and give in, granting access to their account and UCSF resources such as email. To help combat these attacks, IT Security has created a flyer with the actions needed to protect your credentials and the University. Please post them everywhere allowed such as breakrooms, department bulletin boards, or your refrigerator. Take a picture of the posted flyer and send it to [email protected]. Each picture is an entry in a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card. April's winner is Christine Bloomer.

Click here to open and print the flyer

Required UC Cybersecurity Awareness Course

All UCSF Faculty, Staff, and Students must annually complete the UC Cyber Fundamentals Awareness Course on the UC Learning Management System (LMS). Five people win a $50 Amazon gift card each month! Find out more about the course and see the contest below!

See the Latest Phishing Scams and Know

What To Do - Now Includes Real Phish Received at UCSF! 

In the last year, cyber criminals delivered a wave of cyber-attacks that were not just highly coordinated, but far more frequent and advanced than ever before seen. Many of them began with a phishing email. To help everyone be more aware of the current widespread and impactful phishing scams, IT Security has created the Real Phishing Threats Page. It lists actual phish that have been received by UCSF and the prevalent phishing campaigns out in the world. It provide additional information on:

  • What to watch out for
  • Key actions to take

Please bookmark the page and check back often. IT Security will be updating it frequently.


Ongoing Monthly Contests


Everyone Can Win a Prize!

1. Refer your UCSF friends and colleagues to the UCSF Awareness Site and ask them to:

  • Read the latest article and take the quiz.
  • Ask them to enter your email address as the referrer.
  • State they are new to the site on the last page of the monthly quiz.

For each 20 people you refer, you will win a $25 Amazon gift card (limit 2/year, referrals do not expire).


2. Each month we will be selecting one person to win a $50 gift card from everyone who uses the Phish Alarm Button to report suspicious emails. They will win a $50 gift card. This important security tool analyzes the email and lets you know if it is an actual phish. No need to contact the Service Desk or IT Security when you get something suspicious. For more information, please visit the Phish Alarm Overview Page.


3. Each month we will be randomly selecting five people from everyone with “current” status on their UC Cyber Fundamentals Awareness Course assignment to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Here’s how to check your status on the annual training requirement:

  • Click on the UC Learning Center link in MyAccess
  • Click on “UC Learning Center Login” from the UC Learning Center page
  • Click on “Required Training”
  • Check the Status of “eCourse: UC Cyber Security Awareness Fundamentals”

Winners Circle

April Awareness Quiz Winners

Anthony Prevedello

Liam Dubinsky

Aleem Khaliq

Andrea Canchola

Ashley Holmes

Carina Ho


April Phish Alarm Winner

David lopez (DOM Education)


April LMS Cybersecurity

Awareness Course Winners

Dylan Masters

Austin Escobar

Shannon Ferrall

Stacy Kinkade-Erickson

Gillian Adriano


April Top Quiz Referrers

Millo Pasquini

Cristina Morrison

‌‌Julie Erich

‌Khin Nyunt

Eve Phong (Dinh)

Thea Dela Cruz

Jennifer Camacho

Matthew Lau

Casey Nelson

‌‌Erin Accurso

John Hasper

Jason Dong

Gato Gourly


Upcoming Events

Thursday, May16, 2024, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

UC Celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)

Enjoy a short panel on what some of our leaders are doing on their campus. Then, during a series of lightning talks, UC staff members will share some practical skills, talk about the importance of digital accessibility, and answer your questions. This year’s event will also feature a demonstration of how everyone can have a fun-filled life when technology is accessible. Best of all, you will have a great time!

Click here for more information and to register

Great Free Awareness and Training Resources

UC Cybersecurity Awareness Month Recordings

‌If you missed some of the educational events held by the University of California during Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October, don't worry!  Many of the events were recorded and are now available by video. 

Click here to see a list of the recordings you can watch

Cybersecurity for the Clinician Video Training Series 

‌Produced and published in April 2023 as a free public service by the Health Sector Coordinating Council Cybersecurity Working Group

The “Cybersecurity for the Clinician” video training series totaling 47 minutes among eight videos explains in easy, non-technical language what clinicians and students in the medical profession need to understand about how cyber attacks can affect clinical operations and patient safety, and how to do your part to help keep healthcare data, systems and patients safe from cyber threats.

Click here to watch the Cyber Clinician Video Series