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Ed-IT Learning & Activity Hub

Create and lead versatile multi-purpose online activities and resources for your program by using the UCSF Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE). Education IT provides this service to you at no cost.  

The CLE is UCSF’s space for online teaching and learning; it’s powered by Moodle, an open-source learning management system (LMS).   

Why consider setting up a learning & activity hub  

  • You get access to a range of activity and resource tools for collaboration, learning, communication, assessment, trainings, workshops and more (details below in steps 1 to 5).  
  • You can customize the activities and resources based to your needs. 
  • It is easy to use and is accessible to diverse audiences.   
  • You get a secure online environment—your data is safe at all times.  
  • You don’t have to take care of any technical maintenance or troubleshooting—we’ll always do that for you.  
  • We provide this service to you at no cost, including updates and upgrades. In fact, we encourage you to pitch ideas on how we can improve the CLE.   
A screenshot of “Your Program Learning and Activity Hub” page in the CLE where users can search and access.
An example of a learning and activity overview page in the UCSF CLE.

"The UCSF CLE has been an invaluable resource for staff training within the UCSF Dyslexia Center's Multitudes project...With relative ease, our team was able to start from scratch and build customized training modules within the CLE that have made our training efforts more efficient and effective than ever." - Mariah Pospisil, MEd, Learning Interventions Applied Research Manager, UCSF Dyslexia Center, Multitudes project.  

A screenshot of a single course/web page in the CLE where users can navigate and manage the course sections in a list format.
An example of a course/web page in the UCSF CLE.

"[The Center for Faculty Educators has] been able to use the CLE effectively in several programs...Thank you for taking the time to understand our hurdles, helping us improve our end-users' experience, and equipping us with some of the tools needed to manage logistics." - Joey Bernal, Program Manager, Center for Faculty Educators.  


Request your free online learning, activity hub 

  1. Fill out and submit the Education IT intake form below on this page to schedule a consultation with our team.  
  1. After our consultation, we will set up your program’s space within the CLE.    
  1. We’ll set up a one-hour Zoom meeting to give you and your team an orientation of your CLE space and how to use it.
  1. You will receive CLE page shells—templates you can use to create and curate online activities and resources. 
  1. You can now create and edit your online content and add participants to your CLE space.     

Fill out the intake form