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Celebrate 2024 Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) on May 16

  • Author: Jill Wolters

  • Date:

Celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) with colleagues systemwide and at UCSF. That means there are two events to sign up for. The first one listed is for staff at the University of California and the other is for UCSF staff only.

Putting Together the Accessibility Puzzle Pieces

For all staff at the University of California

Putting Together the Accessibility Puzzle Pieces is this year’s GAAD theme. Whether you are starting your journey or want to keep up with digital accessibility trends, this event will help you put together the accessibility puzzle. 

Date: Thursday, May 16th    

Time: 10 to 11:30 a.m. 

Place: Virtual. Sign up.

HostSponsored by the UC Electronic Accessibility Committee

Enjoy a short panel on what some of our leaders are doing on their campuses. Then, during a series of lightning talks, UC staff members will share some practical skills, talk about the importance of digital accessibility, and answer your questions. 

This year's event will also feature a demonstration of how everyone can have a fun-filled life when technology is accessible. Best of all, you will have a great time!  

Here are some of the amazing topics you will learn about:

  • Accessibility updates from selected UC campuses
  • Jill Wolters (UCSF) - Accessible PowerPoint tips & tricks
  • Rachel Leigh Bellofatto (UCM) - Accessibility in the classroom
  • Brian McNeilly (UCOP) - Leading laterally

Come and pick up the accessibility puzzle pieces you might be missing. Together, we can help create a better world for all.

Explore past years’ GAAD webinars on the Electronic Accessibility Committee website.

The webinar will be live-captioned, provide American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation, and will be recorded.

Please submit any accommodations requests to [email protected] no later than Monday, May 13, 2024. 

Accessible PowerPoint Lunch & Learn

A hybrid virtual and on-site event for UCSF staff

This “Accessible PowerPoint Lunch & Learn” is presented by staff for staff and is specifically designed for those involved in creating and presenting training and business communications using slide decks.

We’ll share practical accessibility tips and tricks for making good accessibility choices as you create and present your slide decks. 

Date: Thursday, May 16th   

Time: noon to 1 p.m.

Place: Virtual or on-site at the Mission Center Building (MCB), Room 126, 1855 Folsom Street, San Francisco. 

Hosts: Jill Wolters, Tanya Jansen, and Christina Ovalle from UCSF IT.

Sign up: This is a hybrid event with two different registration links depending on if you join us virtually or on-site. 

  • Zoom registration link for virtual participants.
  • Registration to attend in person has reached capacity. Thank you for your interest!

For lunch planning purposes, please let us know of on-site cancellations by 9 a.m. on May 16th. If you cancel, we’ll remind you how to get the Zoom registration link to attend virtually instead. Registrants can expect more information by email as we approach the date.


Here’s a short list of what is on the agenda.

  • What should I consider before using PowerPoint?
  • Top 3-5 tips (images, charts, color blindness, animations)
  • How to identify low-hanging fruit (3-5 easy things to quickly fix)
  • Keeping accessibility in mind when presenting 

See the full list and more information on the event page.

Requesting accommodation for the event

UCSF welcomes everyone, including people with disabilities to our events. To request a reasonable accommodation for this event, please contact Jill Wolters by emailing [email protected] or calling 415-514-2941 as soon as possible.

Help Us Promote GAAD

A publicity toolkit is available to make it easy to spread the word within our UCSF communities about this global celebration with events at UCSF, UC, and worldwide.