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Dec 2024: HOLIDAY PROMO LURES Lead to Malware

Holiday Mock Phish Lure Indicators


Threat Alert: HOLIDAY PROMO LURES Lead to Malware

  • A series of phishing attacks advertising a purported winter holiday promo for Sky Airlines. have been identified.
  • Attackers distributed this lure in Spanish and English, using the subject lines “SkyAirline para la promoción de vacaciones de invierno” and “SKYAIRLINE – Winter Holiday Promo” respectively.
  • While the emails appear to come from the sending address sales@skyairline[.]com, the email signature links to the unassociated webpage esky[.]com[.]com and an Instagram page for esky[.]com.
  • The lures contain a malicious attachment that purportedly contains extra details about the promotion.
  • Attempting to open the attachment leads to the installation of malicious software (malware) that can allow attackers to take control of an infected system.

Key Action: Report Suspicious Emails 

  • Never download attachments associated with unexpected messages. Never open, preview, or download an unexpected attachment. These actions can expose you to malware.
  • Remember that cybercriminals commonly leverage current events in phishing attacks. Annual events like the holiday vacation season give cybercriminals the time to prepare by crafting difficult-to-spot or believable lures. 
  • Report ANY suspicious emails using the Phish Alarm button.