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UCSF CLE Now Incorporates Lived Name as Display Name Option

What does this new option mean?  

As of Wednesday, April 17, 2024, you have the option to use your lived name (also known as preferred name) as your display name in the UCSF Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE). This means your lived name will be displayed in all applicable user interfaces in the CLE. 

Your lived name will be displayed based on information from UCSF's Enterprise Directory Service (EDS). Learners and faculty and staff can specify and/or change/update their lived name via the student portal or UCPath respectively (details on how to update/change your name are below). If you do so, the update and/or change will automatically apply to the UCSF CLE.   

If you didn’t specify a lived name in your applicable system (student portal or UCPath), your display name in the CLE will be your full name on record—your preferred first name and legal last name. 

As part of this change, a person's middle name and alternate name are no longer editable fields in the user's profile settings (Profile > Edit profile > Additional Names). Instead, all middle and alternate names are based on the information from EDS. 

For Faculty/course instructors: The course participant list of your course will display your participants' lived names if they specified one. Therefore, names might no longer appear in alphabetical order. You might also encounter changes when sorting your course participants by last name, given that some lived names might not follow the first and last name format frequently used in the United States.      

Why was this new option made available?  

We made this change in the UCSF CLE in compliance with the UC Presidential Policy on Gender Recognition and Lived Name (GRLN) policy and in support of UCSF's PRIDE values—and our institution's efforts to "cultivate a supportive and inclusive environment that recognizes the contributions of everyone, including nonbinary, transgender and intersex people."    

Who does this new option affect?  

The UC GRLN policy ensures that all individuals are recognized with their accurate gender identity and lived name. 

Therefore, "any individual entering into an academic or professional relationship with the University of California may be permitted to indicate a lived name (also known as preferred name) to be used in the University of California system in all settings and situations that do not require a person's legal name." 

Where else might the GRLN policy take effect? 

With the implementation of the UC GRLN policy, your lived name should be displayed and used across all university systems, including the UCSF CLE, and documents unless a legal name is required. (Please note that UCSF is in the process of implementing the UC GRLN policy and not all systems have reached full compliance.) 

The UCSF CLE has been in compliance with the UC GRLN Policy since Wednesday, April 17, 2024.    

How can I change or update my name and/or gender marker and sexual orientation?  

To make any changes or updates, we recommend visiting UCSF IT's "How to Update Your Name" instructions.