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Ed-IT Consultations

We enjoy creating solutions to help you reach your academic and professional goals. No idea is off limits.  

Beyond our existing products and services, we offer consultations and collaborations in the following education-related areas 

  • Feature enhancements to any of the products in our edtech portfolio.   
  • Strategy recommendations related to edtech.  
  • Discovery & user research.  
  • General education-related problems that can’t, or aren’t, addressed by our existing products and services.   

We tackle our work and collaborations holistically: We want to understand the why behind it all, and focus on your needs, wants and values when designing solutions.  


Request a consultation:

  1. Consider the who, what, when, where, why, how of your problem or request.  
  1. Fill out and submit the Education IT intake form below on this page.  
  1. We will review your submission and schedule a consultation with you.  
  1. Based on your problem or request and our consultation, we will outline a plan of action on how to proceed to find a solution.  

Fill out the intake form