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Request Ed-IT Technical Support

Have you run into a problem or question with any of the products in our edtech portfolio? We are here to provide a solution. 

Find info on why we encourage you to report technical problems and how to contact us to find a solution. 

Why we need and value your feedback 

  • Prompt problem resolution: Reporting technical problems and bugs with our products helps us identify and solve them quickly to minimize disruptions to your and others' experience.  
  • Continuous Improvement: We want to continuously enhance the experience of our products and services based on your needs. Your feedback helps us find patterns and focus on areas for improvement.      
  • Streamlined ease of use: By reporting technical problems and bugs, you help provide a more stable and reliable products for everyone.    

How to report a technical problem  

  • Fill out and submit the Education IT intake form below on this page.  
  • Once the form is submitted, you will receive a tracking number to check the status of your submission and receive updates from our team. 

Fill out the intake form