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Register a Department-owned Device

  • Audience: Affiliate, Faculty, Staff, Student
  • Owner Team: ITSM Technical

What you need to know

The purpose of this process is to allow individuals and departments to create and manage department-owned devices in ServiceNow Configuration Manage Database (CMDB).

Important: This process is used only for department-owned devices. You must first search for it to prevent creating duplicates in case it was previously registered.

The registration process

  1. Navigate to the Employee Self Service - UCSF Device Management page (
  2. Select Register Device.
  3. Verify that the Requested By information is accurate; correct it if it isn't:
    • Requester Name
    • Requester Department
    • Requester Email
  1. In the Lookup field, type the hostname, serial number, or MAC address of the device you wish to register. For next steps, see Result options #1, #2 or #3 (below). Important: Only the users listed in the Assigned To, Managed By or Supported By fields will be able to update their devices.

Result #1 - If a match is NOT found - Proceed to Step #5.

Result #2 - If a match IS found - and you are presented with nonconfidential information about the device after selecting it. This means you have permissions to update. Go to the Previously registered device section of this document.

Result #3 - If a match IS found - and you are presented with a pop-up box similar to that shown below after selecting it. This means you DO NOT have permissions to update. Click OK, then go to the Request access to device record section of this document.

  1. Select the Check this box if you cannot find your device box, then select the Device Type.
  2. Fill in and select the appropriate information. The following fields are required:
    • Hostname
    • Serial # or Service Tag #
    • IP Address(es)
    • MAC Address 1
    • Status
    • Protection Level Classification
    • Assigned To
    • Managed By
  3. Check the Attestation Check Box and click Submit when ready.

  1. When the process is complete, the system will generate an RITM number. You can view this RITM later at https:\\ – View My Tickets.

  1. All done!

Previously registered device

  1. Check all the fields that are not grayed-out for accuracy, and make corrections as needed. The following fields are required:
    • IP Address(es)
    • MAC Address 1
    • Status
    • Protection Level Classification
    • Assigned To
    • Managed By
  1. Check the Attestation Check Box and click Submit when ready.

  1. All done!

Request access to device record

  1. Click the Please click here to request access to the device record link at the bottom of the form, or click the Request Access to Device Record access link at the top of the form.

Bottom of form

Top of form


  1. Enter the Device Name and click Submit when ready.
  2. The request will be sent for review and approval.
  3. When the process is complete, the system will generate an RITM Number. You can view this RITM later at https:\\ – View My Tickets

  1. If approved, return to the Employee Self Service Page to complete the request.