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Jul 2024: Social Security Number Suspension Lure

Social Security Number Phish

Threat Alert: TOAD ATTACK Uses Social Security Number Suspension Lure

  • A series of phishing emails  purporting to be from the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) have been identified.
  • These attacks claim a recipient’s Social Security Number has been suspended due to illegal activity.
  • The emails contain attachments allegedly providing a rationale for the number’s suspension as well as a number to call to dispute the allegations.
  • These emails appear to originate from the SSA; however, the emails use a Gmail sender not associated with the government agency.

Key Action: Report Suspicious Emails 

  • Remain alert to phishing indicators. Mismatches between sending addresses and an organization’s name are always warning signs.
  • Remember cybercriminals take advantage of strong emotions. An official-seeming email claiming your Social Security Number has been suspended can be extremely stressful. Keep in mind cybercriminals seek to capitalize on moments of anxiety and the difficulty in thinking clearly in such situations.
  • Report ANY suspicious emails using the Phish Alarm button.