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Recording available of the Manual Accessibility Testing Lunch and Learn

  • Author: Jill Wolters

  • Date:

What happened

On October 18th, University of California website owners, online content contributors and developers gathered to learn about manual testing techniques.

Guided by Lucy Greco, UC-Berkeley's Web Accessibility Evangelist, the topic of manual testing was introduced, with why it's important and how to get started.

Jill Wolters and Christina Ovalle from the UCSF Digital Accessibility Program assisted with tool demonstrations and event coordination. A big thank you to Judy Thai, UCOP Director of Application Engineering for Zoom support.

Who Attended

graph of attendance results

This system-wide event for University of California site owners, online content contributors and developers, drew attendees from across multiple locations.

Here's the breakdown by location with UCSF and UC Berkeley as the campuses with the highest attendance.

UC Berkeley 23
UC Davis 4
UC Irvine 6
UC Merced 4
UC Office of the President 3
UC Riverside 2
UC Santa Cruz 2
UC San Diego 2
UC San Francisco 26

Why Manual Testing is Important

Automated testing only finds 20-30% of accessibility issues. Humans doing manual testing will find more issues.

Topics Covered

  • Color contrast
  • Keyboard testing
  • Bookmarklets
  • Screen reader testing advice

Materials from the session


High participant satisfaction

90% of attendees were extremely satisfied with this session. 73% would recommend live training sessions to their peers. 37% of participants engaged in asking questions during the session. 


  • "Amazing session. Learned lots as a beginner. appreciate all the tools shared. Looking forward for more.”
  • "I always come away from a Lucy Greco lead session feeling energized, and with new ideas to try, test or implement."
  • "Great presentation - thanks so much!"