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Website Business Owners and Support

Generally two roles are assigned to people responsible for keeping a site up to date: a business owner or a day-to-day technical support. However, responsibilities vary across research labs, degree programs, school departments, etc.

Responsibilities of website business owners

At UCSF the person responsible for their site adhering to UCSF policies is referred to as a website business owner. They also may keep the site up to date, determine who has permission to develop, edit, or publish, and determine site strategy.

  • Sites must be kept secure. Connect with IT Web Services Managed Hosting to get started with a secure web hosting environment.
  • UCSF has website style guidelines to help UCSF to maintain its online identity.
  • Sites must follow UCSF Policies & Standards
    • Accessibility standards must be followed to ensure that all users can interface with UCSF online. The UCSF Digital Accessibility Program helps implement the WCAG standards (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).
    • Site content must adhere to copyright laws.
    • Privacy rights of visitors need to be respected.

Website day-to-day technical support

This is the secondary contact when a website business owner is unavailable. This may also be the person who completes website updates, such content creation and page management, creates user accounts, and manages permissions within website software such as Drupal or WordPress.