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RAE and REDCap Office Hours Information Session

Join our RAE and REDCap Office Hours to have your questions answered about our digital resources for research at UCSF.

Available Support in Zoom Breakout Rooms:

Research Analysis Environment (RAE)
Previously known as MyResearch, UCSF’s RAE is a secure data hosting and computing service designed for UCSF researchers and their collaborators.

Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap)
A secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases, ideal for data collection and management.


First and Third Tuesdays of the Month

1:00-2:00 PM PT


Click here to join the Office Hours Zoom
*The zoom room will only be staffed during the dates and times listed above.

Note on Time Allocation:

Due to the potential number of attendees, we may be unable to spend more than 10 minutes per person. We appreciate your understanding and will do our best to address your questions efficiently.

The RAE and REDCap office hours operate on a first-come, first-served basis. If you need help with multiple research resources at UCSF, our team will guide you from one Zoom breakout room to another as needed.

Please submit a ticket to our service desk for help if you can't make it during this time.