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567 Results
Site Builder: New Home Page
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
Perceptive Content: Requesting Access
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
Zoom: Changing a Zoom Meeting to a Teams Meeting in an Outage
In the event of a Zoom outage, you may need to switch meeting platforms quickly to continue collaborating and meeting with colleagues both on and off campus. While Zoom is the preferred web conferencing platform at UCSF, Microsoft Teams has a meeting option that can be used as an alternative in the event of an outage with Zoom.These instructions will detail how to switch an existing Zoom meeting to a Teams meeting for the following platforms:
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Volunteer
- Email & Collaboration
Microsoft 365: Bookings Setup
Microsoft Bookings is an online access-only application within Microsoft 365 that will assist your customers to quickly find available times and avoid double-booking. Before delving into the process for configuring Bookings to work within your department, let's review some Bookings terminology first.Business - Think of the business as your department
- Faculty
- Staff
- Email & Collaboration
Drupal Community
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
Site Management and Responsibilities
Drupal is a digital content management system (CMS) routinely used for UCSF websites. In some cases a site content editor or content manager may curate the same information for websites and additional digital channels, such as employee profiles, email, social media, and events.Generally, two roles are assigned to people responsible for keeping a website up to date:
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
- Web Services
Web Hosting: Site Analytics
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
Microsoft 365: To Do
Microsoft To Do is a simple and intelligent to-do list that helps you manage all your tasks in one place. You can work through your tasks for the day in My Day and create any number of additional lists to organize your work by project or deliverable.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Email & Collaboration
MyPPM: Mobile Timesheet App
- Staff
Site Builder: Error Pages
- Staff
- Technical Partner