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567 Results
Data Center Services FAQs
- Faculty
- Staff
Data Center Services Rates
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
Data Center Services SLAs
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
Request a Data Center Services Consultation
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
Recommended Security Products
Data is increasingly becoming UCSF’s lifeblood and most critical asset. We’ve curated a collection of tools and products to help you protect UCSF’s data These tools and products have been vetted by IT Security, and we encourage you to use them.UCSF ITS provides client security software free of charge to faculty, staff, learners and researchers:
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Non-UCSF
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
- Security
Password Management Tool Enrollment & Login
The Password Management Tool provides users with the ability to complete the following processes:NOTE: Please be sure to follow ALL of the instructions for these processes to avoid a lockout to your UCSF account.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
- Email & Collaboration
Account Login Provisioning FAQ
- Technical Partner
Avoid Being Phished - Quick Tips
Phishing messages are becoming more targeted, sophisticated and even harder to recognize.
DDPE Removable Storage Encryption FAQs
What is DDPE EMS? Dell Data Protection Encryption (DDPE) is UCSF's enterprise-wide desktop and laptop encryption application. External Media Shield (EMS) is DDPE's feature that enables saving encrypted files on removable storage devices such as flash drives or external hard drives. When will DDPE and DDPE EMS become available for macOS Big Sur? DDPE is not available for macOS Big Sur as Dell discontinued further development of this software.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
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- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
- Security
Update Your Password in Outlook (Windows)
To clear all your saved passwords from your PC, you will need to open the Credential Manager in Windows. Once you've cleared the passwords stored in Windows, you'll be able to relaunch Outlook and log into the application with your newly created password.