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63 Results
Ransomware Attacks Continue to Surge
The link to the IT Security Awareness Quiz is at the end of the article. Complete the quiz for an entry in a drawing for one of six $50 Amazon gift cards.
Secure and Safe Travel and Remote Work
The IT Security Awareness Quiz link is at the article's end. Everyone who completes the quiz is entered to win one of six $50 Amazon gift cards.
Keep Your Software Updated!
The link to the quiz is at the end of the article
Double the Live Accessibility Training for September
The Digital Accessibility program doubles the amount of live training for the month of September with two special live events and subject matter experts (SMEs) from outside UCSF and from within UCSF Health.
Zoom Releases: Whiteboard and Document Sharing
We are excited to announce the release of two new Zoom enhancements: Whiteboard and Document Sharing.
Celebrate 2024 Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) on May 16
Celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) with colleagues systemwide and at UCSF. That means there are two events to sign up for.
New Feature When Setting Up University-Managed Macs
Starting on Monday, April 22, 2024, UCSF IT will implement an added security feature for the following University-managed Macs that were purchased through UCSF:
UCSF’s Versa Generative AI Platform Is Now Available
Versa, UCSF's secure generative artificial intelligence (AI) platform, is now available across the UCSF enterprise.
Grammarly and NameCoach To Be Released in April
The UCSF IT Collaboration Team is rolling out two new digital tools to enhance y