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132 Results
Use Phish Alarm to Report Potential Phishing Emails and Contact the IT Service Desk or UCSF Police for Other Security Incidents
IT security incidents can originate almost anywhere in our organization due to the myriad of methods criminals can use to steal and disrupt UC Institutional Information an
Keep Your Software Updated!
The link to the quiz is at the end of the article
Avoid the “Dirty Dozen” Tax Scams!
The link to the quiz is at the end of the article.
Follow UC Policies to Meet Regulatory Requirements
The link to the IT Security Awareness Quiz is at the end of the article. Everyone who completes the quiz is entered to win one of six $50 Amazon Gift Cards.
Windows 11 Upgrade Begins
All UCSF Windows device
Double the Live Accessibility Training for September
The Digital Accessibility program doubles the amount of live training for the month of September with two special live events and subject matter experts (SMEs) from outside UCSF and from within UCSF Health.
End of Support: macOS Monterey 12.x
UCSF IT is phasing out support for macOS Monterey (12.x) as it no longer complies with UCSF's minimum-security standards on security maintenance.
Safeguarding UCSF Data: Introducing the DLP Endpoint Agent
UCSF continues its enhancement of data security with its rollout of the
Changes to UCSFwpa Connections for Macs
UCSF IT is upgrading our standard UCSFwpa configuration for Macs to authenticate to our secure wireless network, UCSFwpa.
Staff Resource Day: Accessibility Flyers Pave the Way
Staff Resource Days was founded by the Office of Diversity and Outreach and is sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Outreach, Campus Life Services, Human Resources, and the Staff Subcommittee f