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497 Results
Critical and Other Vulnerabilities in GitHub Enterprise Server
GitHub released GitHub Enterprise 3.14.0 to address Critical and other vulnerabilities in the GitHub Enterprise Server. An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities to gain site administrator privileges.
Critical Vulnerability in the WordPress LiteSpeed Plugin
LiteSpeed released a security updates to address a Critical and other vulnerability in the WordPress LiteSpeed plugin.
Vulnerabilities in Multiple AMD Products
AMD released bulletins to address multiple vulnerabilities in AMD Products.For a complete description of the vulnerabilities and affected systems go to AMD Security Bulletins. IT Security Read more about IT Security service offerings.
Multiple Vulnerabilities in Zoom Products
Zoom has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in Multiple Zoom Products. For a complete description of the vulnerabilities and affected systems go to Zoom Security Bulletins. IT Security Read more about IT Security service offerings.
Vulnerabilities in Intel Products
Intel released advisories to address multiple vulnerabilities in multiple Intel Products.For a complete description of the vulnerabilities and affected systems go to Intel® Product Security Center Advisories. IT Security Read more about IT Security service offerings.
High Vulnerability in OpenSSH
The maintainers of the FreeBSD Project have released security updates to address a High vulnerability in OpenSSH.
Vulnerabilities in Multiple Cisco Products
Cisco has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in Multiple Cisco Products.For a complete description of the vulnerabilities and affected systems go to Cisco Security Advisories. IT Security Read more about IT Security service offerings.
Vulnerabilities in Multiple Adobe products
Adobe has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in multiple Adobe products. For a complete description of the vulnerabilities and affected systems go to Adobe Security Bulletins. IT Security Read more about IT Security service offerings.
High Vulnerability in AMD EPYC, Ryzen, and Threadripper Processors
AMD released security updates to address High vulnerabilities in AMD EPYC, Ryzen, and Threadripper Processors.