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2024 UC Cybersecurity Awareness Month (UC CAM) Events
Cybersecurity Awareness Month is spearheaded by the
PAWS Project Status
As of July 11, 2024
The PAWS project is a collaborative effort driven by dedicated teams across UCSF. IT Web Services is responsible for development and delivery, and Education IT is contributing leadership, guidance, and the stakeholder coordination which will define the product and shape priorities.
A Customer Advisory Board has been convened to provide direct input and oversight in coordination with the formal IT Governance committees for communications (CCT) and education (CET).
PAWS Background
PAWS (or the Platform for Academic Websites) will be a scalable, cost-effective content management system specifically designed for UCSF academic units. It’s especially tailored to schools and large departments which manage multiple interrelated sites.The primary objectives of PAWS are to simplify website management, enhance the user experience, and ensure compliance with UCSF standards.
PAWS Goals and Outcomes
PAWS (or the Platform for Academic Websites) will be a scalable, cost-effective content management system specifically designed for UCSF academic units. It’s especially tailored to schools and large departments which manage multiple interrelated sites.The primary objectives of PAWS are to simplify website management, enhance the user experience, and ensure compliance with UCSF standards.
Jul 2024: Social Security Number Suspension Lure
UCSF CLE Updated to Moodle 4.3
The UCSF Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE) was successfully updated to Moodle 4.3 on Wednesday, July 10, 2024. The update took place from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. PDT.
All UCSF users can now access the CLE, including all their courses and resources.
This was a minor update with no major visual or structural changes to existing courses and resources.
Below is an overview of the new and updated features and settings integrated into the UCSF CLE: