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497 Results
Request Ed-IT Technical Support
Have you run into a problem or question with any of the products in our Edtech portfolio? We are here to provide a solution.
Find info on why we encourage you to report technical problems and how to contact us to find a solution.
About Education IT
Education IT (Ed-IT) is a new team within the larger UCSF IT. Our team was formed in 2023. We support UCSF's education mission by providing a centralized educational technology (edtech) environment and related services.
Dec 2023: WordPress-Themed Lures Install Malicious Plugin
Threat Alert WordPress-Themed Lures Install Malicious Plugin
CLE Quiz Statistics Fixed, Reactivated
Initial Issue
Qbank_statistics plugin was turned off due to critically poor performance, which made course administration impossible.
Dec 2023: Bonus-Themed Lures Harvest Credentials
Threat Alert: Bonus-Themed Lures Harvest Credentials
Dec 2023: Eventbrite-Themed Lures Distribute Malware
Threat Alert: Eventbrite-Themed Lures Distribute Malware
IT Portfolio | About Us
The IT Portfolio Team is tasked with the accurate capture and understanding of all technology requests to ensure timely interaction with requesting departments, connect the requests to our strategic plan, and ensure requests are attributed to the appropriate portfolio category in support of prioritization and sequencing activities.
Dec 2023: Real Phish Received at UCSF - Multi Factor Authentication
Picture of Actual Phish
Threat Alert: What to Wa
Dec 2023: Christmas-Themed Lures Steal User Credentials
Threat Alert: Christmas-Themed Lures Steal User Credentials Cybercriminals have launched a series of phishing attacks using an allegedly upcoming Christmas party as a theme. The phishing lures contain an HTML attachment that allegedly contains details relevant to the party. Opening the attachment leads to a lookalike Microsoft Outlook login page that steals any entered credentials. Key Actions (at Work and at Home)
Nov 2023: HSBC Brand Abuse Lures Distribute Malware
Threat Alert: HSBC Brand Abuse Lures Distribute Malware