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497 Results
IT Portfolio | Stakeholders
Management and implementation of UCSF Technology initiatives is a collaborative effort that includes leadership across Information Technology service lines and mission areas.
IT Portfolio | Intake Queue
This intake queue list is updated on the first Tuesday of the month.
Please email immediate questions to [email protected].
Please visit Our Process to learn about our intake process.
Nov 2023: Phishing Attacks Impersonate Philippine Agency
Threat Alert Phishing Attacks Impersonate Philippine Agency
IT Portfolio | Project Roadmap
Our projects below are bucketed into categories:
IT Portfolio | Our Process
All work requested from technology teams (including Enterprise Analytics, Clinical Systems, Health Informatics, and Information Technology) outside of the research mission area must be approved through the following process. Some business continuity items may have a truncated path but still need to be approved prior to project initiation. Adherence to this consistent process ensures that the technology portfolio is appropriately balanced and aligned with UCSF enterprise strategic objectives.
Nov 2023: OSHA-Themed Phishing Lures Deliver Malware
Threat Alert: OSHA-Themed Phishing Lures Deliver Malware
Nov 2023: Credential Phishing Attacks Abuse Booking[.]com Branding
Threat Alert: Phishing Attacks Abuse Booking[.]com Branding
IT Portfolio | What We Do
UCSF’s technology strategy is directly informed by the UCSF Health Vision 2025 strategy, the UCSF School of Medicine strategy, the Chancellor’s vision for the University, by the dynamics of the healthcare and academic ecosystems within which UCSF operates, and by the advancements enabling technology-driven transformation in other large industries.
Oct 2023: Trusted Websites Delivering Fake Browser Updates
Threat Alert: Trusted Websites Delivering Fake Browser Updates
Oct 2023: Israel-Palestine Humanitarian Crisis Donation Scam
Threat Alert: Israel-Palestine Humanitarian Crisis Donation Scam