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66 Results
Data Center Services FAQs
- Faculty
- Staff
Real Phishing and Social Engineering Threats
Please note that this is not an all-inclusive list of all of the phishing and social engineering threats but rather ones that are typical of current threats and/or ones that impacted UCSF staff, faculty, and/or learners (must be logged in to MyAccess to view). Be diligent with all communications, and please, even if you think an email might be a phish, report it via Phish Alarm and find out almost instantly in most cases.
BigFix Endpoint Manager FAQs
What is BigFix?What information is collected by BigFix?
Scheduled Maintenance
New DUO login page for Pulse/Ivanti VPN (remote.ucsf.edu)
Services impacted: VPN - Remote connection
Service Interruption
DUO login issues
Impact Tier: 1- Most Critical
Services impacted: Multi-Factor Authentication (Duo)
Scheduled Maintenance
Pulse/Ivanti VPN
Services impacted: VPN - Remote connection
New Feature When Setting Up University-Managed Macs
Starting on Monday, April 22, 2024, UCSF IT will implement an added security feature for the following University-managed Macs that were purchased through UCSF:
Keep Up to Date with Your Favorite UCSF IT Services
Do you want to keep up to date with the applications or services you use daily in your work at UCSF?
New Process for Duo Multi-Factor Authentication
UCSF IT has rolled out the first of two phased updates to the Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) process to streamline the user experience while protecting against cyber threats.
Security Notice
Phishing Email Alert
Services impacted: Email, Phish Alarm