
ChatGPT/Open AI usage at UCSF

There is a great deal of interest within the UCSF community to explore OpenAI / ChatGPT and other Large Language Models in the academic, research, clinical, and administrative areas of the universi


Improved Search on the IT Website

Are you struggling with searching for services on the IT website? We listened and made improvements to the search functionality based on your feedback.


Keep Your Software Updated!

Are you tempted to ignore the pop-up messages about installing software updates on your non-UCSF computer and other devices?


Make Your Emails Less Phishy!

Did you know that if a person thinks an email is phishy they will most likely delete it? Any valuable information you are trying to convey may not be read.


macOS Sonoma Now Supported

What's HappeningUCSF IT has verified compatibility with standard UCSF security tools on macOS Sonoma (14.x) and will now officially support this new OS version in addition to macOS Ventura


macOS Monterey and Older Versions Discontinued

What is Happening?macOS Monterey (12.x) and older versions are all discontinued and no longer supported by Apple, which also ended security updates and maintenance.  This means these older macOS versions no longer meet UCSF's minimum security standards.It is a minimum security standard of UCSF that all computers used for UCSF business must run vendor-supported versions of operating systems to avoid security risks.  Computers that no longer meet this security requirement will eventually be blocked from UCSF's network.

Impacted Services: IT Field Services (ITFS) Desktop Support , ITFS Supported Macs


Know Your Role in Protecting UCSF Data

Institutional information – data – is increasingly becoming UCSF’s lifeblood and most critical asset.  Concurrently, data is growing enormously in complexity and volume while regula