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132 Results
Enroll your mobile device in Intune to maintain access to your UCSF email
UCSF IT is changing the way we access our mobile email (mobile phones and tablets) to make it more secure.
Reduce Malware Risk
The link to the IT Security Awareness Quiz is at the end of the article. Everyone who takes the quiz is entered in a drawing for one of six $50 Amazon Gift Cards!
UC Policies to meet Regulatory Requirements
The link to the IT Security Awareness Quiz is at the end of the article.
Internet Explorer 11 - End of Support
Microsoft has announce that it will stop supporting Internet Explorer 11 on June 15 2022.
Closed Captioning Now Included With Zoom
Zoom at UCSF now offers automatic Live Transcription (closed captioning) for meetings and webinars.* The new feature uses artificial intelligence to convert spoken word into text, i
Increase in Phishing Messages
UCSF is currently seeing more phishing messages than usual.
Adobe Flash End Of Life
Adobe stopped supporting Adobe Flash and is no longer releasing updates. Flash Player was removed from the Adobe website.