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132 Results
“Accessibility is Me” Video Campaign Launch
IT launches a new campaign for digital accessibility! UCSF colleagues share their digital accessibility awareness and favorite resources.
Recording available of the Manual Accessibility Testing Lunch and Learn
On October 18th, University of California website owners, online content contributors and developers gathered to learn about manual testing techniques.
Upgrade macOS to continue receiving Microsoft 365 and Office for Mac updates
Microsoft announced that starting with the the October 2023 update (16.78), macOS Monterey (12) or later will be required to continue receiving software updates for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Ou
Dispose of Data Properly!
The link to the IT Security Awareness Quiz is at the end of the article. Complete the quiz for an entry in a drawing for 1 of 6 $50 Amazon gift cards.
New Process for Duo Multi-Factor Authentication
UCSF IT has rolled out the first of two phased updates to the Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) process to streamline the user experience while protecting against cyber threats.
UCSF Celebrates UC Cybersecurity Awareness Month (UC CAM) 2023
October is UC Cybersecurity Awareness Month (UC CAM), an annual effort to increase cybersecurity awareness and provide resources for people to stay safer and more secure online.
Ransomware Rising Again!
The link to the IT Security Awareness Quiz is at the end of the article. Complete the quiz for an entry in a drawing for 1 of 6 $50 Amazon gift cards.