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497 Results
High Vulnerability in ServiceNow Now Platform
ServiceNow released a security update to address a High vulnerability in the ServiceNow Now Platform. If exploited, the vulnerability could allow an attackers to execute arbitrary code.
Critical and Other Vulnerabilities in Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Instant AOS-8 and AOS-10 Software
HPE released security updates to address Critical and other vulnerabilities in HPE Instant AOS-8 and AOS-10 software. A remote attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities to perform unauthenticated command injection.
Important Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Update
Microsoft released security updates and guidance to address an Important vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Update. Attackers with administrative privileges could exploit them to perform downgrade attacks, reverting fully up-to-date systems to older versions containing exploitable vulnerabilities.
Critical 0-day Vulnerability in QNAP HBS 3 Hybrid Backup Sync
QNAP released a security update to address a Critical 0-day vulnerability in QNAP QNAP HBS 3 Hybrid Backup Sync. If exploited, the vulnerability could allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Google has released new versions of Chrome to address vulnerabilities in Google Chrome. For a complete description of the vulnerabilities and affected systems go to Chrome Releases. IT Security Read more about IT Security service offerings.
Important Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Update
Microsoft released security updates and guidance to address an Important vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Update. Attackers with administrative privileges could exploit them to perform downgrade attacks, reverting fully up-to-date systems to older versions containing exploitable vulnerabilities.
Vulnerabilities in Multiple Apple Products
Apple has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in multiple Apple products. A cyber threat actor could exploit some of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system.
0-day and Other Vulnerabilities in Multiple Cisco Products
Cisco has released security updates to address a 0-day and other vulnerabilities in multiple Cisco Products. A cyber threat actor could exploit some of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system.