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505 Results
IT Website Welcome
Welcome to the new IT website, your one-stop IT shop to gain access, get help and find services to make your job easier.
About Us
Enterprise IT services provided by CIO Joe Bengfort’s team (UCSF IT) include infrastructure, network, security, analytics, integration, application and customer-support services. These essential services support UCSF’s mission to care, heal, teach and discover.
Explaining Impact Tiers
The Impact Tier of IT Services is based upon the recovery time objective (RTO), which is the maximum tolerable length of time that a computer, system, or application can be down before major impacts occur.RTO: Up to 15 minutesCore technology infrastructure that requires multiple data centers to be able to serve production without manual intervention.RTO: Up to 6 hours
Welcome to the NEW Information Technology Website
Content is what we're all about – and as Content Owners, you make it happen. Thank you! Here's everything you need to know to: Select types of content for the site Create new content Revise existing content Your first task is to determine the type of content you want to create. In turn, this will determine the template you use within the content management system (CMS). A list of content types follows.