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498 Results
Health IT Health Technology Infrastructure Portfolio
- The Health Core Technology Portfolio oversees technology that applies to the entire health enterprise.
- Interoperability standards and review of things outside the standards; enterprise interoperability build-out and ma
Health IT Clinical Core Services Portfolio
The Core Clinical Portfolio covers all diagnostics and therapeutics for both inpatient and outpatient settings, including:
Health IT Ambulatory Services Portfolio
This team's purview oversees all technology related to ambulatory clinics across business units, including:
Health IT Acute Care Portfolio
Oversees all technology related to:
Dec 2024: HOLIDAY PROMO LURES Lead to Malware
Vulnerabilities in Multiple Cisco Products
Cisco has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in multiple Cisco Products. For a complete description of the vulnerabilities and affected systems go to Cisco Security Advisories. IT Security Read more about IT Security service offerings.
Vulnerabilities in Android Devices
Google released its December Android update to address vulnerabilities in Android devices. The most severe issue is a high security vulnerability that could lead to remote code execution.
Health IT Portfolio Initiatives
The following is a list of Health IT Portfolio Initiatives for FY25.