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20 Results
- Standard & Guideline
UCSF Policy 650-16 Addendum F - UCSF Data Classification Standard
UCSF_Data_Classification_Standard_08-09-19 (PDF)Document Owner: Patrick PhelanDepartment Contact: UCSF IT SecurityIssue Date: 4/24/17Effective Date: 4/24/17Reviewed/Revised Date: 8/9/19
Impacted Services: IT Security Outreach and Training
UCSF 650-16 Addendum A - UCSF Roles and Responsibilities for Securing Institutional Information and IT Resources
RoleResponsibilitiesNotesCyber-risk Responsible Executive (CRE)
Impacted Services: IT Security Outreach and Training
UCSF Implementation of the ECP - Access Without Consent
An electronic communication holder's records may be inspected, monitored, or disclosed without the consent of the individual but with the approval of the authorizing Vice Chancellor (see Appendix A, Definitions) under the following conditions:
Exemption from IT Field Services
BackgroundExempt positionsTraineesVolunteersEmployees of affiliated organizationsExempt title codesGeographic service areaBasic science research exemptionResponsibilities of exempt users
Impacted Services: IT Field Services (ITFS) Desktop Support
GitHub Enterprise Best Practices
Impacted Services: GitHub Enterprise Server (On-Premises)
IT Enterprise Service Level Agreement (SLA)
This Service Level Agreement (hereafter referred to as "SLA") applies to all services provided by Enterprise IT ("Central IT") except where specific exceptions are noted or superseded by service-specific SLAs. For APeX, client connectivity and infrastructure support are covered by this agreement as well as first-level support provided by the Service Desk.
UCSF IT Security Cloud Computing Guidance - Cloud Service Basics
The "cloud" is a continually evolving concept that broadly references cloud services, or cloud computing. Cloud services can mean collections of any or all of the following: applications, information, infrastructure components and services provided as pools of resources.
Impacted Services: IT Security Outreach and Training
UCSF Incident Investigation Procedures
Effective Date: October 1, 2006This document provides an overview of computer incident response and investigations procedures at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), as mandated in UCSF Policy 650-16 Addendum C: Incident Investigation.
Impacted Services: Security Incident Response & Investigation