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5 Results
How to create a URL shortcut on the IT website
- Technical Partner
Hosting Your Virtual Events
With COVID-19 and a shift to remote work, UCSF events such as Friday Town Hall Meetings, large training presentations, conventions, press conferences, and emergency communications go virtual with live broadcasts and live streaming.
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- Technical Partner
- Web Services
Videos Accessibility
Accessible videos include playback controls for keyboard use, play only when activated (rather than as page loads), and closed captions or are accompanied by a full-text transcript.You may see there are plenty of videos on the web with no or poor captioning. If others are breaking the law, and it is the law, it does not excuse UCSF from the obligation to take the higher road and do the right thing – provide accurate captioning with videos.
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- Web Services
Multi-Factor (Duo) FAQs
These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are updated on a regular basis, so if your question isn't answered here, please contact the IT Service Desk at help.ucsf.edu — the most common questions received from users will be added to this list of FAQs.Quick Links
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- Access & Identity