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297 Results
Enrolling in Grammarly
NOTE: The UCSF Editorial Style Guide is available for use when writing for UCSF publications or websites. It outlines commonly used terms, punctuation, and editorial style to improve clarity and readability; it is based on the broadly recognized standards of the Associated Press Style.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Email & Collaboration
Grammarly FAQs
NOTE: Grammarly is still in development for the Mac New Teams desktop application. Currently, we are supporting Grammarly in browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge) and the desktop application.NOTE: There is currently no support for Internet Explorer or mobile browsers. This means that the Grammarly Text Editor Plugin will not activate in unsupported browsers.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Email & Collaboration
NameCoach FAQs
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
MyPPM: Allocations By Resource
- Staff
UCSF Adobe Acrobat Pro
WalkMe FAQs
- Faculty
- Research Staff
- Staff
- Student
Microsoft 365 - Idle Session Time Outs
Each Microsoft 365 application has a different sign-in frequency, the following table highlights the sign-in frequency setting for each application and client.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Email & Collaboration
ITSM Training
- Technical Partner