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168 Results
Signing a 21 CFR Part 11 compliant document in DocuSign
21 CFR Part 11 is an FDA regulation that relates to research - UCSF has a separate DocuSign instance that has additional policies and regulations in place to meet the 21 CFR Part 11 guidelines. Signing a 21 CFR Part 11 compliant document is slightly different process than signing a normal envelope. Please see the steps outlined below.
How to switch accounts in Docusign
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Managing Passwords in Git
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MyPPM: Using a Shared View
You may want to use a standard or shared view when looking at tasks. You may want to create a view and share it with others: 1. Login to MyPPM, go to your project, select tasks. 2. On the right side, go to View and type in the name of the view you are looking for. For example, scroll down to “PMO Standard” and then select it.
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MyPPM for PMs & RMs: Check Allocations & ETC
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MyPPM for Project Managers: Create Risks / Issues / Decisions and Changes
Login to MyPPM and open your project. Enter risks using the Risks tab in the ribbon across the top. Use the pre-defined view called UCSF Standard Risk List to display standard columns for risk management.
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- Business Applications
MyPPM: Top Things to do in MyPPM
First, Login to PPM.Then, everyone who uses MyPPM should take these steps to get the best results from the tool:1. Fill out your timesheet.2. Add time off to your calendar3. View your tasks
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MyPPMs for Admins
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MyPPM for PMs: Closeout a Project
To closeout a project, you will need to complete the following steps. Navigate to the Tasks tab of the project. Set ETC to 0. Set Status as Complete. Remove the check from the Open for Time Entry field. Note: The ETC must be set to zero before a task can be set to Complete.
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- Business Applications
MyPPM for PMs: Create a Status Update
Login to MyPPM. Use the Search bar to find your project. Click on the name of the project to enter the project record.
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- Business Applications