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9 Results
Web Hosting
UCSF provides Drupal web hosting services to ensure a secure environment for our websites.Since launching the service in 2011, it has grown to host nearly 1,500 Drupal websites. UCSF provides high-quality security services, using encrypted hardware accessible only via VPN from UCSF and a hacking-attempt detection system to block thousands of suspicious web sessions each month.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
- Web Services
Upgrading Pulse Secure to Ivanti Secure Access on UCSF-managed Macs
These instructions only apply to Macs at UCSF that are enrolled in UCSF's Jamf Pro to upgrade our installed VPN software from Pulse Secure to Ivanti Secure Access.Click here to be directed to the Jamf Self Service app on your UCSF-managed Mac.
Logging Into Drupal
Web Hosting: Create a UCSF Restricted Site
- Staff
- Technical Partner
Adobe FAQ
- Affiliate
- Communicator
- Department Administrator
- Faculty
IT Website Content: Create a Service Page
- Technical Partner
Do It Yourself Website Hosting Checklist
If you prefer not to use Web Services Managed Hosting, you can set up a web server either outside the UCSF network or at UCSF. It's quite a complex process.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Web Services
Concord Fax (formerly RightFax) Frequently Asked Questions
Concord Fax is a digital solution for sending information via inbound and outbound electronic faxing. This application can be used to send information electronically in a manner that is secure, since Concord Fax is HIPAA-compliant. The following are a list of Frequently Asked Questions about Concord Fax. This page will be updated as more questions about Concord Fax are received.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Research Staff
- Staff
- Student
- Business Applications