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90 Results
How to Delete Passwords Saved in Internet Explorer 11
The Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 Internet Explorer 11 browser allows you to store your login credentials for websites. You can delete all your saved passwords. However, you will then have to re-enter your login credentials for any websites you visit. To delete your passwords:
Clear Cache and Cookies in Chrome
See the video below for instructions on how to clear your cache and cookies on Chrome. This is especially useful if you've set up Chrome to save your UCSF password, and it has been changed. For instructions on managing your cache on browsers, please see Managing your Browser Cache.
How to Submit Network Port Requests
Please refer to https://it.ucsf.edu/how-to/how-submit-ip-requests Thank you!
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How to Submit Network DNS Requests
Prerequisite: If you are requesting DNS records for server you must ensure to include your server MAC address for mapping.There are two ways to submit Network DNS requests:
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Set Up a Transferred New Employee
To make sure a transferred UCSF employee is set up for work:
How Do I Choose and Buy a New Workstation for My Employee?
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How to Request or Buy Software
Make sure to determine your operating system before buying software. UCSF IT Field Services (ITFS) licenses the operating systems for Windows and Apple/Mac, as well as the basic Microsoft Office suite, for all Basic and Premium customers.
UCSFwpa Instructions - Android
Each version of Android and each manufacturer of Android devices changes components of the Android user interface. They do this to make the experience match the goals of the specific device. *Please be advised some Android OS version on Google Pixel may not able to update UCSFwpa wireless certificate thus not compatible to connect. There are no manual configuration option available. This is a vendor issue and until resolved they will not connect to UCSFwpa.
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UCSF Costing Guidelines for the Allowability of Computing Device Support Recharges on Sponsored Project Awards
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