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140 Results
Intune Frequently Asked Questions
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How to Send Bulk Email
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Daily Briefing Email (Viva Insights)
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Zoom Cloud Recording
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Zoom Closed Captioning
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Email Tagging
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Microsoft 365: Excel Differences in Functionality
Several functions with Excel for the Web perform differently than they do in the Excel desktop app.
SharePoint 2010 Migration
Microsoft has announced that SharePoint 2010 will soon no longer be supported by the vendor. This means no more security updates or patches, and the vendor can no longer be engaged to resolve operational/ support related issues as they occur.Last year, UCSF IT migrated the SharePoint 2010 servers for Campus and School of Medicine (SOM) to SharePoint Online . We are migrating the UCSF Medical Center SharePoint 2010 servers to SharePoint Online too.
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- Email & Collaboration
Microsoft 365: Excel Training
To best utilize Excel Online, you'll need to familiarize yourself with its interface. Learn more about navigating the interface.
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- Email & Collaboration
Configuring your Email Vendor
Setting up DKIM authenticationThe process to setup DKIM authentication will vary slightly depending on the vendor you are using.In general, the steps are:
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- Email & Collaboration