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142 Results
VPN - Remote connection
Pulse / Ivanti Secure Access VPN allows users outside of the UCSF directly connected internal network to access restricted resources at UCSF (e.g., connecting to file shares, servers, desktops). The system provides a fully encrypted connection between the client device (laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.) and the UCSF network providing access identical to systems connected via wired or wireless within UCSF facility.
- Technical Partner
- Network & Wireless
UCSF uses the Ivanti, formerly known as Pulse Secure remote access system to provide VPN services to the UCSF community. The system is physically and geographically redundant to ensure uninterrupted service during outages or catastrophic events.How do I access the UCSF VPN?
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- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Network & Wireless
VPN Ivanti Secure Access Install and Login with Duo
- Technical Partner
When Should I Use VPN?
VPN Web Portal
- Technical Partner
Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN
Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN enables UCSF to provide secure connections to the UCSF network regardless of where the user is when connecting. Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN provides the ability to keep you, your data, and UCSF safe when you are connecting to the UCSF network remotely. Since a locally installed VPN client simplifies access when you are not on campus, it is a good idea to make it your primary choice when connecting remotely.
- Affiliate
- Researcher
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Network & Wireless
Installing Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN
- Affiliate
- Researcher
- Staff
- Student
Connecting to Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN on Mobile Devices
- Affiliate
- Research Staff
- Researcher
- Student
Connecting to Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN (Windows)
- Affiliate
- Researcher
- Staff
- Student