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16 Results
Stay Secure with IT Security Tools
Did you know that you can use the UCSF’s security software for your personal or non-cent
Ransomware Running Riot!
The link to the IT Security Awareness Quiz is at the end of the article. Complete it for an entry in a drawing for 1 of 6 $50 Amazon gift cards.
See Something, Say Something: You are the First Line of Defense
IT security incidents can originate almost anywhere in an organization due to the myriad of methods used by criminals to steal and disrupt UC Institutional Information and
Stay Alert to Cyber Threats
We are seeing an increase in cyber threats as a result of world events. Our IT teams are working together to bolster our defenses, but keeping UCSF safe requires vigilance from everyone.
Increase in Phishing Messages
UCSF is currently seeing more phishing messages than usual.
COVID-19 Vaccine Phishing Attempts
With the promising news about vaccines, attackers may be sending vaccine-themed phishing emails.