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132 Results
COVID-19 Vaccine Phishing Attempts
With the promising news about vaccines, attackers may be sending vaccine-themed phishing emails.
GitHub Launched at UCSF
GitHub, a leading open-source platform for software developers, is now available for free at UCSF.
UCSF Mobile Email Changes Postponed to March 2021
UCSF IT previously announced changes to how you access your UCSF email from a mobile device. These changes are being postponed to March 2021.
Changes coming to UCSF Email
Beginning Monday, August 17, 2020 and continuing through August 20, 2020, we will expire all authentication tokens for the UCSF email service. This means you will need to log
Modern Authentication for Office 365
UCSF IT is enabling modern authentication in our Office 365 – Exchange Online tenant, including the Outlook email client on June 22.
Web Services Video Trainings: Siteimprove Accessibility, Site Builder
New Web Services Recorded Video Trainings: Siteimprove Accessibility and Site Builder
Duo is coming to MyAccess
Beginning June 30, MyAccess will require Duo. Duo provides an extra layer of protection to ensure the security of logins beyond a password.
Office 365 Launched
Office 365 allows you to access Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, OneDrive, Teams and Outlook from any device, anywhere.
Remote Work Resources for UCSF
At UCSF, we understand the need to work from wherever you are.
Work from Home Securely
Even before local shelter in place orders, a large part of our community began working from home in early March. Recent estimates suggest that 70% of UCSF employees are currently working remotely. UCSF IT has provided myriad information on how to do so safely and securely.