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5 Results
Feb 2023: MFA (DUO) Fatigue Attacks Target High-Profile Orgs - Do not approve authentication requests for logins you did not initiate!
Threat Alert: What to Watch For
UCSF IT Security Awareness News You Can Use
The UCSF IT Security Awareness News You Can Use Newsletter includes monthly articles, contests, and upcoming events. Learn about new threats and how to protect UCSF and yourself from data breaches. You can also participate in contests to win prizes! Use Security Tools to protect your devices| Multi-factor (Duo) fatigue flyer Contest | See the latest phishing scams Read the March IT Security Awareness News You Can Use
IAM Modernization: Single Sign-On
As part of the larger IAM Modernization Program, UCSF is standardizing single sign-on for enterprise applications to create a more seamless user experience.
Dec 2023: Real Phish Received at UCSF - Multi Factor Authentication
Picture of Actual Phish
Threat Alert: What to Wa
Real Phishing and Social Engineering Threats
Please note that this is not an all-inclusive list of all of the phishing and social engineering threats but rather ones that are typical of current threats and/or ones that impacted UCSF staff, faculty, and/or learners (must be logged in to MyAccess to view). Be diligent with all communications, and please, even if you think an email might be a phish, report it via Phish Alarm and find out almost instantly in most cases.