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41 Results
UCSF Plan for Combating Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Materials
Compliance with the peer-to-peer (P2P) provisions of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) I. Introduction II. Technology-based deterrents A. Traffic monitoring B. DMCA notice response
Impacted Services: IT Security Outreach and Training
Use of Third-party Email Systems at UCSF
Use of any 3rd-party email service by UCSF faculty, staff and learners is not approved by UCSF. This is due to:
Impacted Services: Email
UCSF 650-16 Addendum C - UCSF Incident Investigation
This document outlines the requirements for information security incident investigations at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Effective incident response is essential in mitigating damage and loss due to an information security incident. Proper handling minimizes the disruption to workflow and ensures compliance to federal, state, and University laws, rules, regulations, and policies. This document satisfies the requirement in BFB IS-3 Information Security for Incident Response Procedures.
Impacted Services: Security Incident Response & Investigation
IT Enterprise Service Level Agreement (SLA)
This Service Level Agreement (hereafter referred to as "SLA") applies to all services provided by Enterprise IT ("Central IT") except where specific exceptions are noted or superseded by service-specific SLAs. For APeX, client connectivity and infrastructure support are covered by this agreement as well as first-level support provided by the Service Desk.
UCSF Incident Investigation Procedures
Effective Date: October 1, 2006This document provides an overview of computer incident response and investigations procedures at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), as mandated in UCSF Policy 650-16 Addendum C: Incident Investigation.
Impacted Services: Security Incident Response & Investigation
IT Field Services - Operating System Requirements
Impacted Services: IT Field Services (ITFS) Desktop Support , ITFS Supported Macs
UCSF 650-16 Addendum G - Third-Party Remote Access Standards
To establish and set the requirements for a University of California San Francisco enterprise standard for third-party remote access to UCSF networks.See the University of California - Systemwide IT Policy Glossary for the most up-to-date definitions. Terms that are not in the Systemwide Glossary are defined below.
UCSF 650-16 Addendum B - UCSF Minimum Security Standards for Electronic Information Resources
Effective Date: December 2007, Updated February 2025
Impacted Services: IT Security Outreach and Training
UCSF Wireless RF Design Guideline
As healthcare continues to undergo digital transformation, networking technologies serve an increasingly vital role: Enabling Electronic Healthcare.
Impacted Services: Network Services
Standards & Guidelines: Example (Web Style Guide)
Each UCSF website provides an opportunity to make a strong positive impression on our audiences. In this, an attractive and consistently applied style for presenting graphics and other visuals plays an important role.We have put together a set of best practices guidelines for ensuring visual consistency across all UCSF-affiliated websites. These guidelines cover:Web banner and main navigationLogo lock-up placement and sizingApplication of the graphic system The proposed designs:
Impacted Services: IT Website