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46 Results
Getting Started with Git
GitG=Hub offers a nice start-up guide for Git.
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- Hosting & Computing
Extending Access to Medical Center IT Applications for Non-Career (Temporary) Employees
October 6, 2021 - Updated
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- Access & Identity
Hitachi Group Manager: Training
Modify an existing group Request the creation of a group Once you login to https://mygroups.ucsf.edu, you will be presented with the following screen
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How to Update Your Name
For example, Desmond-hellmann should be Desmond-Hellmann.Open a ticket with the IT Service Desk.If you need to update your name (spelling, diacritics, etc.) in a specific UCSF system (e.g. Ilios or CLE) please check whether it is also incorrect at the central source.
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Connecting to your Git Repository from the Command line
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Account Request Form (Campus, SOM, ZSFG/SFGH) - How to Approve requests
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MyAccess Account Activation
As of January 1, 2022 UCSF is no longer allowing the creation of a separate "SFID" account for use with the MyAccess login system. April 29, 2022 will be the last day that this type of account - SFID - will be allowed to sign into MyAccess. After this date all users should obtain and use an Active Directory account in order UCSF to use MyAccess.
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- Access & Identity
Data Center Services FAQs
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Data Center Services Rates
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Data Center Services SLAs
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