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297 Results
Options for Sharing Sensitive Data with Non-UCSF Collaborators
You cannot share CipherCloud-encrypted files with non-UCSF collaborators. If you need to share restricted data with parties outside UCSF, you can use RAE; onboard your external collaborator as a UCSF affiliate; or use UCSF's Secure Email.
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How Does Box Protect Your Data?
Box protects data using both access controls and encryption. Access to your UCSF Box account is controlled using your MyAccess userID and password. Access to the files you store on Box is controlled by the permissions you set. By default, access is private to the account holder. All communication with Box from your computer or mobile device is encrypted using SSL. Data is encrypted in storage using 256-bit AES encryption. Other security features include file-level password protection and access notification.
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CipherCloud .ccsecure Files
CipherCloud is constantly scanning Box and OneDrive for UCSF PHI in the background. When it discovers UCSF PHI in a file, it encrypts the file and replaces it with a file of the same name and a .ccsecure extension. Once a file has been encrypted, it cannot be searched or previewed. Only the CipherCloud agent can access its contents. Learn more on the Cipher Cloud
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Box: CipherCloud Mobile App
The CipherCloud mobile app is available for iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android It requires the Box app to function: CipherCloud on iOS CipherCloud on Android
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Box Resource Account
A resource account allows you to add collaborators and data to it. This eliminates concern about losing the data if any individual collaborator leaves UCSF. A resource account can be created for your group. However, for security reasons, you will not be able to log into the resource account itself.
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Box: Add, Edit, or Remove a Collaborator
Only a Box folder’s owner, co-owner, or editor can invite collaborators or change collaborators' permission levels. Learn more about the different permission levels.
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"This shared file or folder link has been removed or is unavailable to you."
Recognize this error message? "This shared file or folder link has been removed or is unavailable to you."
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Box: Secure Folder
Every file inside a secure folder smaller than 400MB will be encrypted by the CipherCloud server. A secure folder provides a way to encrypt sensitive data that does not fall into the category of easily recognized UCSF PHI. Examples include UCSF PHI images, audio files, video files and sensitive data that is not UCSF PHI.
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Navigating UCSF Box
An in-depth overview of the various UCSF Box icons:
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Box: Manage Email Uploads
UCSF Box allows you to designate folder(s) in which users can email files directly to Box by sending an attachment to a unique email address. Email attachments will be uploaded as long as they do not collectively exceed 80 MB. The body of the email will not be uploaded. The upload is secure because Box scans every attachment before it is uploaded to Box and quarantines the attachment if malware is discovered. Once the file has been posted to Box, CipherCloud will scan it for
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