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172 Results
MyPPMs for Admins
- Staff
- Technical Partner
MyPPM for PMs: Closeout a Project
To closeout a project, you will need to complete the following steps. Navigate to the Tasks tab of the project. Set ETC to 0. Set Status as Complete. Remove the check from the Open for Time Entry field. Note: The ETC must be set to zero before a task can be set to Complete.
- Staff
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- Business Applications
MyPPM for PMs: Create a Status Update
Login to MyPPM. Use the Search bar to find your project. Click on the name of the project to enter the project record.
- Staff
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- Business Applications
MyPPM for PMs & RMs: Add Project Details & Chartstrings
1. Login to MyPPM 2. Locate your project record and click on the project tile / name. Work your way through the buttons at the top menu from left to right to add information. In each section, you may need to click the left arrow on each item to expand.
- Staff
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- Business Applications
How do I login to MyPPM?How to LoginI get a weird error message about SSO and then it prompts me to login again?
- Staff
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- Business Applications
MyPPM for Project Managers
To create a new project, please open a ticket to the MyPPM group with the project name and the project manager. A PPM Admin will create it and notify you.Then follow the steps below to get your project up and running:1. Add Project Details and Chartstring2. Request and Allocate Resources
- Staff
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- Business Applications
MyPPM for Resource Managers: Assign or Replace Resources
1. Login to MyPPM.2. From the Home menu, click on Staffing on the left-hand side menu.
- Staff
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- Business Applications
MyPPM for Resource Managers: View Resource Allocations
Login to MyPPM.From the Home menu, click on Staffing on the left.
- Staff
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- Business Applications
MyPPM for Project Managers: Request Resources
1. Login to MyPPM.
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- Business Applications
MyPPM: Add Time Off to Your Calendar
Login to MyPPM via MyAccess.Click on the Resources menu icon.
- Staff
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- Business Applications