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199 Results
Staffbase Add-In Missing in Resource Account
As a communicator, I am attempting to send a communication to a large amount of users at UCSF through the Staffbase email add-in. When I attempt to access Staffbase from my resource account in the Outlook Web App, the Staffbase add-in does not appear when I select the add-ins icon. The following video and steps to follow will assist you in sending your communication despite the add-in being missing.
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- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
- Email & Collaboration
Grammarly Training
NOTE: Grammarly will be available beginning April 23rd, 2024These linked documents will provide assistance with installing Grammarly for Windows, Mac, and the Grammarly Browser Extension.
- Affiliate
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- Technical Partner
- Email & Collaboration
Using Add-ins in Outlook Web App
Add-ins in Outlook.com are programs or utilities that help you automate tasks when you view or create messages.NOTE: You will need to install add-ins within Outlook to be able to use them in your work at UCSF.The following steps will assist you with locating and installing add-ins within Microsoft Outlook.1. Select the Apps icon (Outlook Web App (OWA)
- Affiliate
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- Email & Collaboration
Enrolling in Grammarly
NOTE: The UCSF Editorial Style Guide is available for use when writing for UCSF publications or websites. It outlines commonly used terms, punctuation, and editorial style to improve clarity and readability; it is based on the broadly recognized standards of the Associated Press Style.
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- Email & Collaboration
Grammarly FAQs
NOTE: Grammarly is still in development for the Mac New Teams desktop application. Currently, we are supporting Grammarly in browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge) and the desktop application.NOTE: There is currently no support for Internet Explorer or mobile browsers. This means that the Grammarly Text Editor Plugin will not activate in unsupported browsers.
- Faculty
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- Email & Collaboration
NameCoach FAQs
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
Activating Adobe Acrobat Pro DC for ITFS-Supported Users
As of Tuesday, September 26, 2023, IT Field Services (ITFS) is distributing upgrade notifications to all ITFS-managed Macs with Adobe Acrobat Pro 2020 installed, starting with Macs. Alternatively, you may also click here, if your Mac is properly enrolled and managed by UCSF IT, to manually download and install Adobe Acrobat Pro DC from our Jamf Self Service app portal.
- Faculty
- New Hire
- Staff
- Desktop Support
Microsoft 365 - Idle Session Time Outs
Each Microsoft 365 application has a different sign-in frequency, the following table highlights the sign-in frequency setting for each application and client.
- Faculty
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- Email & Collaboration