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130 Results
Standard Starter Kit Sites
Temporary Web Hosting Change Announcement
What do you need to know?As of December 2024, IT Web Services is scheduling all new site requests for March 2025. This is a change from the previous as-needed request and approval process.Why is there a change?We're making mandatory platform upgrades to our UCSF Drupal platforms. The migration from the older version to the most recent ensures that our websites remain safe, secure, and high performing.
Resources for 2024 UC Tech "Let's Taco 'Bout IT" session
Resource list
About the ADA Rule
Adobe FAQ
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- Department Administrator
- Faculty
OneTrust Cookie Banner Testing
The following steps will guide you through how to experience your website when cookies are turned off by a the OneTrust cookie banner. For more information about the OneTrust cookie banner, follow this link. Visitors to your site may decide to reject all cookies and thus possibly limit some of the tools you as a site owner may have installed on your site. When these cookies are limited, it can change the user experience. The steps below can help you to see what that experience is like by turning off the cookies.
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- Web Services