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12 Results
UCSF Voicemail
UCSF Voicemail is the new name for the UCSF Campus advanced voicemail system. It uses the Cisco Unity Connection Voice Messages platform to record and deliver voicemail messages to your UCSF email inbox.With Cisco Unity, you will be able to:
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- Phones & Pager
Request a Statement of Responsibility
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Request a REDCap Account
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Cisco Jabber UC Training: Login
Type in your email username (FirstInitialLastname or LastnameFirstInitial), e.g., [email protected], and then type in your email password before clicking the Sign In button. NOTE: If you sign out from Jabber client after a successful login, it remembers your username in its cache. The next time you sign in, you should only need to enter your email password.
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- Phones & Pager
Request a REDCap Premium Account
- Faculty
- Staff
Voicemail FAQs
Return to UCSF Voicemail service page
Directory Services
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Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) is a secure and HIPAA-compliant web-based system for building and managing web-based research projects, such as surveys and databases. The REDCap system provides functionality and features to enable researchers to rapidly develop databases and online surveys. These databases, data entry forms and surveys are intuitive, easy-to-use tools for collecting data, including data validation.
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- Research Services
Which REDCap offering is right for your project?
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- Volunteer
Cisco Jabber UC Training: Start a Chat
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Phones & Pager