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20 Results
IT Website Content: Search Improvements
- Staff
- Technical Partner
Site Management and Responsibilities
Drupal is a digital content management system (CMS) routinely used for UCSF websites. In some cases a site content editor or content manager may curate the same information for websites and additional digital channels, such as employee profiles, email, social media, and events.Generally, two roles are assigned to people responsible for keeping a website up to date:
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
- Web Services
Web Hosting: Change Control Procedure
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
2023 “Accessibility is Me” video campaign publicity kit
Dear UCSF digital allies, thank you for helping us promote the “Accessibility is Me” video campaign.This publicity kit is designed to make it easy to spread the word within our UCSF communities.
IT Website Admin Tasks
- Staff
Writing for the Web
Hosting Your Virtual Events
With COVID-19 and a shift to remote work, UCSF events such as Friday Town Hall Meetings, large training presentations, conventions, press conferences, and emergency communications go virtual with live broadcasts and live streaming.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Non-UCSF
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Web Services
PDF Accessibility
It is as easy to create a PDF document as it is to print a document. If you are only printing, then how the document looks is your only concern. However, sending that PDF document via email or putting it on a website creates different concerns.Once the PDF becomes a "digital document," it is subject to the same accessibility standards as all digital documents at UCSF.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
- Web Services
Documents Accessibility
An accessible digital document is well-structured, providing visual information in a non-visual format. Examples of digital documents are PDFs and Microsoft Office files. There are many more. They exist on a website, sent in an email, or shared in various ways. The information on this page is specific to Microsoft Word, but the principles apply to all text documents. Building accessibility into the document from the start is best practice.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Non-UCSF
- Staff
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
- Web Services