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Options for Sharing Sensitive Data with Non-UCSF Collaborators
- Audience: Affiliate, Faculty, Staff
- Service Category: Business Applications
Service:Box: Cloud Storage

Research Analysis Environment (RAE)
This option is for sensitive research data.
RAE (formerly MyResearch) is a separate infrastructure that is not connected to UCSF Box's infrastructure. It is designed to support multisite studies that involve non-UCSF collaborators.
- Please email [email protected] with any questions or to request a consultation.
- Learn more about how RAE's free, premium, and cloud product tiers can meet your diverse research needs.
Sponsoring Affiliates
You can sponsor your collaborators as affiliates, providing them with their own UCSF identities and credentials as if they were UCSF employees.
To start the process, search for your department's HR Representative, then contact them and ask how to sponsor an affiliate.
The cost depends on the number of affiliates you sponsor. A discounted Data Network Recharge rate applies to affiliates. See the Data Network Recharge: FAQ for more information.
Secure Email
Secure Email allows you to email sensitive data to non-UCSF collaborators. This method works well for one-time transfers. However, it is not good for ongoing collaboration or file storage.
How Secure Email works
Secure Email works by placing your outbound email message on a secure website called UCSF Secure Messenger. The recipient receives an email message from the Secure Messenger (1) indicating that there is a secure email message waiting for them at the UCSF secure website and (2) including a web link to the UCSF secure web site. By accessing the web link, the recipient will be able to retrieve the message over a secure link. Repeat this procedure each time you send a secure email.
You can also send a secure email by following these instructions.