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132 Results
Switch to New Microsoft Teams
Beginning March 19th, 2024, UCSF-owned computers will be automatically updated to Microsoft's new Teams, providing a faster and easier user experience.*
Grammarly and NameCoach To Be Released in April
The UCSF IT Collaboration Team is rolling out two new digital tools to enhance y
Use Security Tools to Protect All of Your Devices
The link to the quiz is at the end of the article.
Kay Burke and Russ Cucina Honored on Becker’s List for Their Outstanding Contributions
Two UCSF Health leaders, Kay Burke and Russ Cucina, were named to
Digital Accessibility Training Expands
The IT Digital Accessibility Program continues with two regularly scheduled monthly events. New Lunch & Learn sessions are added to the mix.
Pulse Secure (VPN) Upgrade to Ivanti Secure Access for Macs
Starting on Tuesday, January 30th at 6:00 PM in the Pacific Standard Time zone, UCSF IT will start upgrading Pulse Secure VPN to the new Ivanti Secure Access on Macs that have the old Pulse Secure
Viva Engage To Be Retired in Q1
You may have noticed some peculiar notifications, like the one below, in your inbox.
Where in the World Are My Report Phish and Staffbase Add-ins?
Recently, Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA) changed the location of add-ins you may be accustomed to using. This includes the Phish Alarm and Staffbase buttons.
The New Microsoft Teams Is Coming in 2024
You may have noticed s